Who is the Highest Paid Superhero Actor of All-Time?

  • 7 years ago
With all the superhero movies blowing up the box office we thought it was time to take a look at which actors made the most money. And the answer just might surprise you.

Back in 1997 George Clooney made 10 million for his part as Batman in Batman & Robin. It’s been called the worst Batman ever made and he’s even been known to refund fans that saw the movie. Not surprising… he made plenty of money from it.

Halle Berry made 12 million in 2004 when she played Catwoman, and eventually won a Razzie for that role. She even went on record and called the movie a POS.

Hugh Jackman made 20 million dollars by staring in X-Men: Wolverine, and a lot of critics said the movie would not have done well if it wasn’t for his acting abilities. The movie ended up making 370 million dollars worldwide.

Christian Bale earned himself a nice little payday when he starred in the Dark Knight. His contract didn’t guarantee him a lot up front, but it took care of him on the back end. He walked away with close to 30 million.

Robert Downey Jr. had a similar situation. He asked for a percentage of what The Avengers made at the box office and he scored 50 million dollars for his troubles. The film racked up over a billion dollars in ticket sales.

And even though Jack Nicholsan didn’t play a superhero he did play The Joker in the 89 version of Batman. He asked for profit participation AND a piece of the merch. What did he reportedly take home? A whopping 109.4 million dollars.

No wonder he’s always smiling.