Making a Miniature Shipping Crate & Crowbar

  • 5 years ago
I have made a mini crate before in the past but didn't film it. I decided to make another one and this time I filmed it. I knew I didn't want to make the same kind as the last time so I switched it up this time. I had a rough idea of what I wanted it to look like. The first iteration was too plain so I added some more detail to the sides creating a more paneled look. I used 5 minute epoxy instead of glue because it sets up faster. This is going to be a gift box for one of my marking knives, so I decided to make a tiny crowbar to go along with the crate. The top is a friction fit so you don't really need the crowbar to open it but I thought it would be fun to make and include it in the gift. The crowbar is made from a allen wrench.
Once the crate was complete I decided to try and weather it a bit to make it look a little dirty. I did this by painting the edges with a dark stain that I wiped away with a paper towel. I like the weathered look more than the clean look. I feel it makes it look more like a shipping crate. This was a fun little build. Thanks for watching!

Making a Miniature Shipping Crate & Crowbar
Credit: Dan The Maker Man -
