Top 5 Amitabh Bachchan films

  • 4 years ago
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Amitabh Bachchan before the fame: Bollywood’s greatest star slept rough on a Mumbai bench, was ‘too tall’ for film – and ‘Mr Sexy Baritone’ was even rejected by All India Radio

Star of evergreen classics Sholay, Zanjeer and Deewaar, Amitabh Bachchan has dominated Bollywood since the 1970s, but the film star and Instagram icon’s childhood and early years in the film industry make quite the rags-to-riches story – from being homeless in Mumbai to constant rejection because he was ‘too tall’

He is, without a doubt, the greatest and most loved Indian actor who has ever lived. Amitabh Bachchan, whose career in Bollywood has spanned several decades, outshines all his contemporaries and subsequent generations. Yes, even Shah Rukh Khan.

He boasts dozens of awards – among them India’s top civilian honours – a net worth of US$400 million, and starring roles in 200 films. His family are in the Hindi film industry, too: wife Jaya Bachchan was one of the best actresses of her time and his son, Abhishek Bachchan, is an actor married to glamour queen Aishwarya Rai Bachchan.

But what do you know about his life before Lady Luck touched it? As India’s finest thespian turns 78 on October 11, we look back at his early years and his struggle to break into Mumbai’s Tinseltown.

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